Thursday, July 14, 2011

Facebook and Twitter asking Saudis for actions!!

I feel bored, nothing to do, so i decide to open Facebook, and i see the box written on it "what is in your mind?" I paused for a while to think of what is in my mind, and guess what? Nothing!

i decide to visit Twitter, and i see above the box written "what is happening?" Well, nothing happens! We are just trapped in this boring routine eventless life with little to do.

Our saudis define this social network in new way where they use ID alias for many reasons; using Facebook to show their "non-face" pictures, dating, showing off things that can't be shown in their real names; using Twitter to tweet what they are thinking about whether they go to wedding or not, whether someone thinking about continuing his speech with his friend next to him or not, whether he can travel by plane or car, and asking for advise about what he/she would do with those people who get them nervous!

what i want to say, they use the tools around them pointlessly. I don't know the real reason behind that whether  because of their "small, narrow" minds, or the monotonous life of Saudi Arabia and its routine are the causes behind that?

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